Παρασκευή 14 Μαρτίου 2014

My new Spring Accessories!!

Hallo Fairy Girls...

Today I am feeling that Spring is here, finally.... This post is about something new, I bought for Spring and I want to share it with you! I discovered a shop in Facebook, called Silia D.  Silia has awesome leather shoes and bags in so many different colors!
Let me show you what I bought...

Light Green leather shoes....

And a lovely mint large bag for everyday outfits! Because mint is my favorite Spring-Summer color!

I will definitely buy something more from Silia D., because the quality is really good, and I loved my new stuff!
Thank God, sun is here so I can start using them.....Happy Spring!
So, Fairy Girls did you like my spring accessories? For my other favorite accessories you can check here!

 Many mint spring kisses from Fairy{oo}Mary! 

15 σχόλια:

  1. πολυ ομορφα,με γεια!!! θα τα χαρεις σιγουρα την ανοιξη :)

  2. Loved the shoes and the mint handbag.. Happy Spring xo
    Please check out the latest post on my blog too.. Thank u ♥♥

  3. Love the handbag very chic. Can you do me a favor and click on the link below items on my new post Looking for the perfect dress I really appreciate it thanks.

  4. πολύ ωραία πράγματα πήρες! Με γεια!

  5. Με γεια με γεια! Τα παπουτσάκια ειδικά φοβερά!

  6. Υπέροχα όλα!!
    Να τα χαρείς!!!
    οι nude μυτερές γόβες <3


  7. Υπέροχα <3 Με γεια σου!
    Σε taggαρα εδώ: http://luckystar21.blogspot.gr/2014/03/food-lovers-tag.html


Περιμένω τα σχόλια σας.....και δεσμεύομαι να απαντάω σε τυχόν ερωτήσεις σας !!!!
Σας ευχαριστώ.....

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